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You need to go through following steps to start using shelp:

  1. Install shelp binary
  2. Activate shelp in your shell

Install shelp

There are several ways to install shelp :

  • Homebrew or Linuxbrew (using Tap)
  • Download from GitHub releases
  • go get (go command is needed)

Choose one which is suitable for you.

Homebrew (Linuxbrew)

brew tap progrhyme/tap
brew install shelp

Download from GitHub releases

Download latest binary from GitHub releases and put it under one directory in $PATH entries.

Let's see typical commands to achieve this:

bin=/usr/local/bin  # Change to your favorite path
version=0.6.0       # Make sure this is the latest
os=darwin           # or "linux" is supported
curl -Lo $bin/shelp "${version}/shelp_${version}_${os}_x86_64"
chmod +x $bin/shelp

go get

Run the following:

go get

Activate in Shell

To enable shelp automatically in your shell, append the following to your profile script (such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

# For POSIX-compatible shells
eval "$(shelp init -)"

As for fish shell, append the following to ~/.config/fish/

# For fish shell
shelp init - | source

If you want to store shelp materials in a location different from the default ~/.shelp, set SHELP_ROOT environment variable beforehand.

See Configuration page for details and other options.

Last update: July 20, 2020