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There are some ways to configure shelp behavior:

  • Environment variables
  • Configuration file
  • Command-line options

Environment Variables

There are a few environment variables which shelp refers on running:

Variable Default Description
SHELP_CONFIG $SHELP_ROOT/config.yml Path of config file
SHELP_ROOT $HOME/.shelp Directory where the contents are stored

Configuration File

You do not necessarily need a configuration file to use shelp.
But it will bring you a powerful functionality to manage packages with the file.

Here is an example configuration describing the most of available properties:

  # SHELP_ROOT directory
  # Default: "~/.shelp"
  # NOTE: "~" is not expanded on loading YAML
  root: "/usr/local/shelp"

# Package configs for installation
# Spec:
# - from: <remote-location>
#   as: <package-name>
#   at: <branch-or-tag-or-commitHash>
#   bin:
#     - <path-to-bin-file>
#     - :
- from: b4b4r07/enhancd@v2.2.4
- from:
  as: dwt1-dotfiles
- from: bpkg/bpkg
    - bpkg
- from:
  at: feature/awesome

When you run shelp bundle with this configuration, the listed packages will be installed.

And when you run shelp prune with it, packages not configured will be uninstalled.

Command-line Options

-c|--config CONFIG option is available for all commands.
It specifies the path of configuration file and takes precedence over the environment variable SHELP_CONFIG.

Last update: June 21, 2020